Preadolescent refers to a period before the development of secondary sex characteristics (e.g. pubic hair and reproductive organs) and corresponds roughly to the ages 6-11 in girls and 6-13 in boys.
Preadolescent youth should be encouraged to participate regularly in physical activities that promote cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal health. Regular physical activity can improve aerobic fitness, muscle strength, bone mineral density, motor performance skills, body skills and psychosocial well-being.
Childhood obesity and overweight figures continue to increase and the physical activity levels of most preadolescent boys and girls are down. The percentage of overweight boys and girls has more than doubled during the past two decades, and many children who are overweight have one or more cardiovascular disease risk factors. Daily participation in physical activity/education classes continues to decline with the average child/teenager spending 3-4 hours per day using electronic media) e.g. television, gaming or computer).
The negative health consequences of childhood obesity and physical inactivity include hypertension and the appearance of atherosclerosis and type 2 “adult-onset” diabetes in children and teenagers. Since positive and negative behaviours established at a young age appear to track into adulthood, it is likely that inactive children will become inactive adults. The key is to value physical activity and help children develop healthy habits and behaviour patterns that persist into childhood.
At Tiger Athletic we model and support participation in developmentally appropriate fitness activities that are fun and supported by cultural norms, which have a powerful influence on a child’s health and activity habits. We offer well organised personal training sessions that give boys and girls the opportunity to experience the mere enjoyment of physical activity which will have long lasting effects on their health and well-being.
Our programs realise that youth have different compared to adults, hence adult exercise guidelines and training philosophies are not imposed on children. We provide developmentally appropriate physical activity programs for preadolescents that demonstrate our understanding of age specific needs and concerns.
While the absolute level of activity required to achieve and maintain fitness in youth has not been determined, the Children’s Lifetime Physical Activity (C-LPAM) is a child specific model that addresses the amount of physical activity necessary to produce health benefits associated with reduced morbidity and mortality. This model highlights the minimum activity recommendations and optimal functioning standards for children and is thus the backbone of all Tiger Athletic youth fitness programs.
With our qualified instruction, enthusiastic leadership, and adherence to safety issues, children can safely enhance their fundamental movement abilities and be better prepared for successful and enjoyable participation in recreational activities and sport.
Tiger Athletic is a private, appointment only strength & conditioning gym in the heart of Sandton. We offer tailor made, goal oriented fitness programs based on an individualised approach to health and fitness assessment, motivation and goal setting, coaching science and client education.
You can start your journey to a healthier family by booking an initial consultation below. This first step, is a vital screening mechanism, instrumental in appraising health status and developing comprehensive programs of exercise to safely and effectively meet your goals.
Let’s chat about your family’s health!