30 days to stronger, firmer and leaner abs? Challenge yourself by joining Tiger Athletic head trainer Aubrey in our 30-Day Tiger Abs Challenge to build a stronger core and leaner abs.
Localized weight gain solely in your midsection may be the result of specific lifestyle choices. The two S’s, stress and sugar play a significant role in the size of your midsection. Fat around the middle is, in fact, unhealthier than being overweight, can increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and even cancer, especially breast cancer.
Our modern lifestyle of sitting all day in traffic and at work often leaves us feeling (and looking) fat, tired and with backpain. Achieving a leaner more functional torso goes a long way to easing the back pain and feeling amazing again. Along with the workout calendar at the end of this article and as a Tiger Athletic first, every few days we’ll post a no equipment, 10-minute core and abs workout video you can follow along pretty much anywhere.
Join our 30 day Tiger Abs Challenge starting Saturday, February 01, 2020, by following the workout calendar at the bottom of this article and engaging with your personal trainer Aubrey and our close-knit fitness community on the Tiger Athletic Challenge Group on Facebook. and we’ll get you a leaner, stronger, tighter midsection and to that elusive 2-minute plank benchmark. Even if just getting to a 20 second plank seems an insurmountable obstacle at present, we’ll get you there with a lot of planking practice and targeted core exercises to improve core strength for men and women alike.
We’re starting on Saturday, January 01, 2020, however, you can start the challenge at any time you feel you need professional help to improve your core strength and the aesthetic look of your abs. At the end of this article, we’ve created the 30-day Tiger abs calendar with a training program for you to follow every day of the challenge.
You’ll do four different ab exercises on most days, the plank (of course), the boat pose, Jack Knives (Aubrey’s personal favourite) and cross crunches for a set time or number of reps. For example, on the first day, you’ll do a 20-second plank, 20-second Boat pose, 20 Jack Knives and 20 Cross Crunches. For the Jack Knives and Cross Crunches, the set number applies on the left side as it does on the right, i.e. 20 reps mean 20 left hand to right leg and vice versa.
On some days our head trainer Aubrey will demonstrate a 10 minute ab workout video to add to your training routine and on every seventh day, you’ll have an active rest day to focus on a low intensity workout like setting a new personal best on your 10 000 Step A Day Challenge, yoga or swimming.
How To Join The Challenge
Join our Tiger Athletic Challenge Group on Facebook to get daily encouragement and motivation, as well as answers to any questions about the challenge you may have.
Share the challenge calendar below with your friends on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. You can also print it out and keep it somewhere you’ll see it every day or save it to your phone so it’s always handy.
Follow along with the challenge each day and share your progress in the Tiger Athletic Challenge Group . We’re rooting for you!
30 Day Solid Abs Challenge Calendar
Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym with a personal trainer for each session. Revolutionize your present workout regime or find a new way to sweat with us. Book a trial session, let’s chat about your health.