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Writer's pictureAubrey Tapiwa Ndisengei

Abdominal Strength & Endurance

Abdominal strength and endurance means much more than carving out your six pack, it means your body is more functional in your daily life, improved sports performance and better physical health. Your abs are part of your core, which includes your pelvic muscles, hips and the muscles that support the spine. Strong, able abs contribute to a healthy core, forming a powerful axis for your whole body.If your abs are weak, it forces the back muscles to work harder to support your middle, your abdominals act as an anchor for muscles of the mid and lower back. Abdominal strength improves the endurance of the muscles of your back slowing down your rate of fatigue leaving you less vulnerable to strain or injury. Weak abdominals cause your tummy to protrude too far forward and altering your center of gravity, especially when you are overweight, stressing your back and resulting in lower back pain.Strong abdominals support good posture by helping prop up your spine so it feels more natural to stand tall with your arms and legs in alignment conversely when the abdominals are weak, we slouch because we will be lacking the musculature to support proper alignment. With proper posture, you will look taller, leaner and feel more confident, lessening wear and tear on your spine and avoiding complications such as disc herniation.Primal actions, such as bending down to wash yourself in the shower or to pat your pet can be downright dangerous when you have a weak abdomen. Twisting in the car to reverse, lifting your laptop and even getting up and down out of a chair when your significant other enters the room requires the strength of your core. Injuries often occur during these mundane activities when your back has to bear more than its fair share of the work to complete such tasks.

Strong abdominal muscles fascilitate the stability for action that requires you to twist and rotate whether to catch a ball, swim, jump or run, skills that are sometimes the difference between victory and defeat while also providing the necessary support during recovery and healing from injury.

Abdominal strength and endurance means that you have the added physical capacity  to outwork competition. Abdominal endurance helps you minimize wasteful movement from your arms, legs and hips, keeping you efficient and performing optimally when te competition is beginning to fatigue.

Balance is an everyday skill in ordinary life, whether you’re walking on an uneven surface, riding on a bumpy road or catching yourself when you trip, miss a step or slip. Strong abdominals help you avoid that fall that could potentially be a disastrous accident that fractures your hip or loses you key seconds in a timed activity.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in the heart of Sandton. We use a personalised approach to assess, motivate, coach and educate you regards your health and fitness. Our personal trainer designs custom workout programs for you so that you can live life to the fullest.

Abdominal Strength & Endurance is a specialist everyday class we offer. Book your complimetary session, lets trim that waist and tummy!

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