Transforming your body from fat to fit, or unhealthy to healthy, and to start feeling great about your health and looks, you need a smart combination of nutrition and exercise. Like you need the air you breathe in order to live, your body needs physical exercise to help control your weight, reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, strengthen your bones and muscles and to improve your mental health and mood so you have a better quality of life.
Tiger Athletic Personal Training offers benefits and results that dieting and supplements alone just can’t give you. The exercise component of our programs boosts your metabolism and turns your body into a fat blasting furnace, while the benefits of our ‘smart nutrition’ go beyond weight. Good nutrition can help reduce the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and osteoporosis. Our programs build muscle in the places you want and improves body shape to give you a firm, toned body, which when coupled with smart nutrition safely speeds up the weight loss and strength gain.
Our programs consist of strength & conditioning, healthy eating and portion control – eating the right food in the right quantities at the right times with a weekly weight loss target of half to one and a half kilograms. We keep track of your progress with monthly body fat percentage and girth measurements to show progress and motivate performance.
Tiger Athletic workout plans are largely based on your health assessment and goals, with a lot of variety and progressively harder sessions. Why? Not just to make you stronger and more fit, but to make sure you keep burning fat and toning muscle. When you do a workout over and over again, it eventually gets easier, which means your body doesn’t have to work as hard and therefore burns fewer calories. Our motto is “We train the hardest”, therefore each week the workouts evolve to a higher intensity, keeping your body interested and guessing by never doing the same workout twice.
Tiger Athletic Fitness & Conditioning is a modern, appointment only, strength & conditioning gym offering custom, personal trainer led fitness solutions. Our workouts are based on your health screening and goals. This initial process is instrumental in screening participants for risk factors and symptoms of chronic cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic and orthopedic diseases in order to optimise safety and benefit during exercise testing and participation.
Your personal trainer is a health and fitness professional who uses an individualised approach to assess, motivate, educate and train you regards your health and fitness needs. Our rigorous pre-participation health appraisal screening process ensures that we design and deliver comprehensive exercise programs that safely and effectively meet your individual fitness and health objectives.
You can start your own Tiger Athletic fitness program by booking your initial interview. This is a scheduled appointment intended as a mutual sharing of information with the expected outcomes of assessing client – trainer compatability, discussing goals and developing a a client – trainer agreement.
We stand by the quality of our work. We have no joining or cancellation fees. We let the quality of our assessments, fitness programs, coaching and results be the only reason you keep coming back for more.
Together changes everything. Let’s workout!