Start is a combination of custom, personal training and smart nutrition. 12 weeks of hard work and dedication to devlop the physical literacy and capacities to move your body from unhealthy to healthy and have you feeling stronger, healthier and leaner through gaining control over your weight, reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, your risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, strengthening your bones and muscles.
The exercise component of Start comprises resistance training and boxing to boost your metabolism causing your body to burn fat while building muscle. Coupled with smart nutrition advice to reduce the risk of lifestyle illnesses, stroke, some cancers, and osteoporosis, you can use Start to safely and effectively lose body fat, get stronger and be leaner, firmer and more functional.
Strength & conditioning and smart nutrition – eating the right food in the right quantities at the right times results in single digit weight week on week weight loss for 12 weeks. We keep track of your p\rogress with body fat percentage and girth measurements.
Tiger Athletic personal training sessions are sport science based, using insight from your health assessment and your goals in the program design. You never do the same workout twice and get to train privately in a modern, appointment only strength and conditioning gym with our personal trainer in the heart of Sandton.
Your personal trainer is a health and fitness professional using an individualised approach to assess, motivate, educate and run your training sessions. Our pre-participation health appraisal screening process ensures that we design and deliver comprehensive exercise programs that safely and effectively meet your fitness and health objectives.
Book your Session #01, let’s discuss your goals and Start!